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Design research extends beyond typical concenrs with products, interactions and services to also centre on the communicative. Discursive design refers to inquiry that takes materials, media and articulations of designing as its core concern.

Here the focus is on how research moves into the mediational and speculative. It is the subjunctive, projected and proposed that are shaped, conveyed and critiqued. This approach however also considers the means and technologies of today as well as their potential uses beyond the concerns and perceptions of the here-and-now. Such speculative and discursive constructions work to stumulate discusion and open out for debate and become discursive artifacts in their own right. Discursive design includes and aray of materials and processes of construction and mediation, such as in the form of online explanatory films and ‘fictional’ narrative works. Design research needs to extend its repertoires of communicating the making and the reflexive reflection on it.